BLOND-07: what does this mean?

Here. from some site

One of the most popular and accessible methods of fortune telling
is fortune telling with cards. Now there are many
types of fortune telling cards - Tarot cards, gypsy cards, even
runic signs are no longer carved on wood, but
depicted on cardboard cards, called cards-
I will talk about the Oracle fortune telling cards (according to Lititsiya). They
made a real revolution in the art of fortune telling
maps These cards can answer almost any
question. In order to guess on them, you don’t need to memorize
memorize the meanings of cards in single position and in
adjacent to other cards, since all meanings are already
indicated on the map itself. It is also signed on it, in which
The position of the card is upright or upside down.
The fortune telling deck consists of 32 cards (no
sixes, meaning the road; however, they are replaced by cards
Client (in the essay by K.K.); the value does not change). IN
In most fortune-telling, one of the 4 k.K. takes part.
Convenient when assigning k.K. note to a specific person
and use the same one all the time. As shown
personal experience, fortune telling with the assigned card is more accurate,
than those in which K.K. constantly changing.

Tips, traditions and warnings.
Cards that you use for a long time may
gradually “come to life” and become capricious and
touchy. So if they decide not to talk
(especially in the Big Game), don't insist. In this
In this case, you should limit yourself to Oracle Express. And remember
you can't start using a new deck until you
finish with this one. The oracle will lie when shared with him
using a different deck, even if it's runic
Also, the cards will most likely lie on Monday
(the day of the Moon is deceptive), on Sunday and during church holidays
holidays (except Christmastide - these are the best days for any
types of fortune telling). The best days for fortune telling are
Friday (especially the 13th), generally all the 13th, the first
day of the year and the birthday of the person being told fortunes.
It is not recommended to guess in a strongly lit room, but
also in the presence of a person who does not believe in cards,
on the other hand, the presence of a cat or cat in the room,
where fortune telling is favorable and desirable. If the cat walked
according to the laid out cards, you should look at which
cards he stepped on and take into account their meanings.
It is better to guess in complete silence and, if possible, in
alone or together.
And one last thing. Maps prophesy and warn, but in our
the power to change everything in a direction favorable to themselves.
To want means to be able.

Presentation of maps.
Each card, in addition to traditional meanings - clubs, spades,
diamonds and hearts - have another interpretation.
1. General meaning accepted in Cartomancy.
2. Exact value. It is determined by the neighboring

Talking card - this card that you ask and
read its interpretation.

Adjacent card - the card that lies next to it clarifies
meaning of a talking card.

The card placed to the right of the talking card has more
more important than the card placed on the left.

How to prepare cards.
Shuffle the cards well. Divide the deck with your left hand.
If a card falls out while shuffling or dividing, then
read its meaning - it is very accurate.

Fortune telling options.
1. Express Oracle or Four Aces Oracle.
Think about it (or, better yet, ask it out loud, holding the cards in front of
face) a question that can be answered unambiguously: yes or no.
Prepare your cards. Remove the first 13 cards (keep the deck
face down), choosing one at a time. For one fortune telling these
The operations can be repeated two more times. Now look
what did you get (usually used for the answer
the best combination drawn in three rounds).

Ї 4 aces and K.K. – great luck without any effort;
Ї 4 aces without K.K. – luck with someone’s help;
Ї 3 aces and K.K. – luck with little effort;
Ї 3 aces without K.K. – little hope for success;
Ї 2 aces and K.K. – success is possible, but not soon.

2. One of the options for fortune telling for a person.
36 cards are involved (all 4 k.K.) Prepare the cards.
Think of the name of the person you would like
tell fortunes Place as many cards in a row as there are letters in
the person's full name. Next, start posting
cards, starting from the first card in the row. When will the deck be
completely laid out, take the stack of cards on which
the last card fell, and lay it out as in the first
once. Continue this way until there are two stacks left.
Take the one on which the penultimate card fell and
lay it out, removing one card at a time. Further
remove two cards from the resulting pile. Here they are
I K.K. – shared road;
Ї 7 – date;
Ї 8 – betrayal;
Ї 9 – conversation;
Ї 10 – close relationships;
Ї В – looking for a meeting;
Ї D – rival (rival);
Ї K – jealous;
Ї T - loves.
As you understand, this is one of the options for fortune telling for your betrothed,
most popular at present.

Letitia's method of fortune telling with cards created a real sensation in the art of predictions. For the layout, a regular gaming deck is used, with help. where you can get an answer to any question you have. With Letitia fortune telling, interpreting the results is very simple. Like the Tarot, it gives a truthful answer, but the difference is that the fortune-telling layouts are simpler and more understandable; you do not need to remember the meaning of each suit or their combination. It is enough to read the interpretation.

Features of Laetitia cards

The fortune telling deck consists of 33 cards. Of these, 32 are ordinary (without sixes) and one client card (or clients) for which they tell fortunes. Any card that has no significance when playing or telling fortunes can be used as a client card. As a rule, Joker or deuce is used.

In fortune telling according to Letitia, each card, in addition to its suit (hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades), also has a meaning - straight or inverted. To do this, you need to make a mark on the back of the cards - this will make it easier to determine the position. The dash on the top indicates a straight position. On the bottom - inverted. A dropped card in an upright position means “yes”, in an inverted position “no”. If a dozen of hearts land upright, the answer should be interpreted as joy. If inverted - sadness, sadness.

In addition to direct and inverted meanings, there are also “neighboring” and “talking” cards. “Speaking” is the main one, it determines the card you are accessing. And “neighboring” indicates the one lying next to the main one. It helps interpret the meaning of "speaker." Moreover, the “neighboring” one, placed to the right of the “speaking” one, has more significance than the one that lies on the left side.

The exact meaning and answer to the question is determined by adjacent cards. For example, a ten of hearts falling upright means joy. But what kind of joy and from what - the neighboring suits will help you understand. For example, if any suit of clubs lies with the ten of hearts, such a duet means joy from monetary profit (clubs - money).

The most popular types of fortune telling according to Letitia

"Nine Cards"

The main ones in interpreting the layout are 9 main cards. For their detailed interpretation, 9 more explanatory ones are used. A client card (clients) is not needed in this fortune telling; only the 32 main ones are taken. The schedule is carried out no more than once a week.

Step by step plan:

  1. Shuffle the deck well, take it to you with your left hand and lay it out in a chaotic order on the table surface, face down.
  2. Choose 9 cards from the scattered deck - they will be “talking”, that is, the main ones.
  3. Lay out the main ones in a row and select 9 more, place them in order under the main ones. These will be adjacent (explanatory) cards.
  4. View the interpretation of the talking cards along with explanatory ones.

The position of the cards is important - upright or inverted. As a result of fortune telling, you will get 9 interpretations and “predictions” that are expected in the near future.

"To fulfill a wish"

  1. The layout is popular because it helps to find out whether your wish will come true at home.
  2. Take Laetitia's 33-card deck. To find out whether your cherished wish will come true or not, shuffle the deck, then slide it toward you with your left hand and place it in random order in front of you, face down.
  3. From the scattered deck, take out one card at a time until you come across a client card(s) or an ace of any suit.

The faster you can draw the right card, the closer your wish will come true. Pay attention to the suits that were opened before the ace or client card.

"Letizia - fortune telling for the month"

This type of divination is no less popular. It helps you find out what events are expected in the next month, what signs to pay attention to. In the interpretation of meanings, the direct and inverted meaning of the cards is used.

The main thing in this scenario is to correctly guess the period you are interested in - it can be a week or a month (4 weeks).

Shuffle the deck, move it toward you with your left hand, select 4 cards (if fortune telling is for 4 weeks) and lay it out in front of you. Each card represents a specific week. After this, interpret the results according to the meaning of the interpretations.

☞ Video story

The advantage of Letitia's cards is that the deck is no different from a playing deck, but with its help you can get answers to questions that are bothering you at the moment. This will help predict the future and get advice. Unlike Tarot, the listed layouts are performed quickly and easily, and the results, in most cases, turn out to be true.

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Methods of fortune telling using ORACLE cards (according to LITITIA)

Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by! I am interested in the methods of fortune telling on these cards. If you can help me with this, I WILL BE VERY HAPPY! 🙂 PS: just describe the method of fortune telling in VERY detail, because... I’m new to this business and don’t know much.. THANK YOU ALL! 🙂

Great..nobody knows anything =(

I have such cards. They are like regular ones, only without the sixes. I guess using the methods indicated in the instructions. In principle, it often comes true, but you still consider each interpretation according to the situation. Meaning: you look at the card adjacent to the left (most often it all depends on its suit), then read the interpretation on the current card. But it seems to me that these cards are not entirely professional. In general, I assigned the suits of sixes on the client’s cards, sometimes I guess and consider the meaning of the cards as on ordinary ones.

Oh, I was just about to think that I was the only one with such cards)) I also have instructions for these cards, but everything is somehow not quite clear there.. That is. is the adjacent card the left card? I'm just confused about these meanings.. Can you tell me something else?

A friend told me about this method of fortune telling: pull out two cards three times. The first cards are the past, the last cards are the future... And I want to try something complicated

5. What difference does it make?

I have such cards and I use them every day. They always and invariably tell me the truth. Everything is as it is - that’s what they say.

In general, the purpose of these cards is to make it easier to remember the meanings of the cards in the layout. Most often I lay out the game into 9 cards and an express oracle to answer the question.

Sorry. The adjacent card is the one on the right. I'm still confused :-[

Who cares. In what ways do you guess? Do you know any other than those in the instructions?

And I want to try something challenging

Try the 9 card game. I always manage to be quite truthful

Please describe your method of fortune telling in DETAIL!! =(

32 cards without client. You shuffle and remove with your left hand. Scatter them face down on the table. You draw 9 cards in turn - these are “talking” cards. Place these cards as convenient for you (you can in a row or column) in the order in which you pull them out, but leave room so that next to each card you can put another one. Next, draw 9 more cards - “neighboring”. Place the first “neighboring” one next to (to the right) the first “speaking” one, etc. Next, analyze them in pairs (speaking + neighboring). On the speaking card, read the prediction relating to the neighboring card. There will be 9 predictions in total. I view this alignment as about a week into the future.

What difference does it make, you would also speak out about the methods of fortune telling..

Client card √ shared road;

10 √ close relationships;

B √ looking for a meeting;

D √ rival (rival);

Sol", Mili, I have a few questions for you. :)

1) The instructions say that the deck contains 32 cards + 1 Client card. For some reason, I have 32 cards in my deck + 4 cards with the inscription “Fortune Teller”. How many cards do you have and do you have “Fortune Teller” cards?

2) The instructions say that before guessing

cards need to be prepared - shuffled, hit the deck and

divide the deck with your left hand. How many parts should the deck be divided into? Do I need to connect the parts later?

Personally, I have some kind of unclear instructions, maybe you know something?))

daisy_lane, I have already read such fortune telling, but I don’t understand anything about it.. If you can, please answer my questions: 1) Cards are ALWAYS laid out only from the first card (i.e. only from the first letter of the name), and if my last card fell on the second or fourth letter of the name, then what? 2) When I get 2 piles (after the first deal), I take the one on which the last card fell and. I repeat this operation that I did at the beginning of fortune telling, right? 3) When I take the pile on which the penultimate card fell, how should I lay it out? Shirts up or down? From now on, I don’t understand anything at all..((Where does the stack come from if I lay out one card at a time?? Can you be more detailed down to the smallest detail?

daisy_lane I answer your questions: 1) I also have 32 cards + 4 fortune tellers. I tagged one fortune teller, like it’s me... and when I tell fortunes for myself, I only use this client’s card. Maybe we have the same cards?? I have a dark blue box, it says “List of Predictions”, tell fortunes on the cards, even if you are an unprofessional fortune teller. + Zodiac signs on the box. And the cards themselves are blue (backs) 2) To divide means to remove them with your left hand towards the heart.. (you divide the deck into two parts) there is no need to put anything aside. Just remove and connect the two parts.

So I have a muddy cloud, and not instructions - that’s why I created a topic... but I couldn’t really find anything on the Internet..

what is a Client

Remember that every card says a lot, for example the Queen of Hearts card, it speaks both about the past and about the future. I have been studying various years for more than 17 years, but arakula cards speak the truth more often than tarot cards. It is possible to predict and learn to see the future of one’s own and someone else’s self. then not long ago he saved his friend from a car fire, he then tells me how you managed to disavow me, at first I didn’t understand it myself, and then I told him I had knowledge that that day, that time and that hour the car would get into an accident, that’s a joke for you girls . so if you are interested I can teach you a lot.

How are you going to teach us? In principle, it would be nice to adopt someone else’s experience.

Hello!! I want to learn how to tell fortunes with cards. I bought ORACLE cards and don’t know where to start.. Please tell me!

Hi, Nastya! The simplest fortune telling is “Yes” and “No”. You take the deck, shuffle it, then just hold it in your hand and ask a question that can be answered Yes or No, then remove the top 13 cards, if they contain Aces or the Client (i.e. Oracle), put them aside, repeat 2 more times (a total of 3 times). The designation for the postponed cards: 4 aces and a client - Luck (YES), 4 aces without a Client - Luck with someone's help (YES), 3 aces and a Client - luck with little effort (YES), 3 aces without a Client - little hope for luck (YES but most likely NO), 2 aces and a Client - possible luck but not soon (YES but most likely NO), 2 aces without a Client - No, 1 ace with or without a client - No.

Heromancer, when I shuffled the cards, the queen of hearts came up. what does it mean?

and these cards relate to black or white magic.

Hi all! I have a question for Guest *22*. Explain. Please, every step: I take the deck, shuffle it, divide it, then I just hold it in my hand and ask a question, remove the top 13 cards, set aside what I’m looking for. Clear. And then again I SHUFFLE, DIVIDE, hold, make a guess? And a third time I SHUFFLE, DIVIDE, hold, guess. So?

Please help everyone who has Oracle cards (according to LITICIA)!! The Ace of Hearts has deteriorated a little, now I can’t understand what is written there (((If you’re not too lazy, write the meaning of the upright and inverted Ace!! Well, it’s really necessary!!

Tanya, here you go:

Jack or queen: the joy of great shared love.

Others: success in all matters relating to love or friendship.

- ♣: joy caused by unexpectedly receiving money or a gift.

- ♦: joy caused by success in business or improvement of property status.

Ace ♠: joy caused by an interesting offer.

Others ♠: successful resolution of all current difficulties. Joy caused by the improvement of the health of someone close to you.

Jack or Queen: a pleasant love affair, but without consequences.

Others: minor delays in the implementation of plans of the heart or minor complications between lovers or friends.

- ♣: late refund or in smaller quantity.

- ♦: delay in completing things or their slight improvement.

Ace ♠: disappointment caused by an unpromising proposal.

Others ♠: the patient’s sure but protracted recovery.

P.S. And a few questions for you, if you don’t mind:

Are you wondering to yourself? (They say it’s not allowed for some reason).

How often does what these cards predict come true for you?

How often can you tell fortunes with cards, do you know?

Thank you in advance for your response.

Mili know another way to tell fortunes about your betrothed using these cards:

It involves 36 cards (all 4 client cards).

Think of the name of the person you would like

tell fortunes Place as many cards in a row as there are letters in

cards, starting from the first card in the row. When will the deck be

completely laid out, take the stack of cards on which

the last card fell, and lay it out as in the first

once. Continue this way until there are two stacks left.

Take the one on which the penultimate card fell and

lay it out, removing one card at a time. Further

remove two cards from the resulting pile. Here they are

Customer card? joint road;

10 ? close relations;

IN? looking for a meeting;

D? rival (rival);

Please describe this method in more detail, I don’t understand it a bit. I have 2 piles left, I take the one on which the last card falls and I don’t understand what to do next. please write it down.

And I also wanted to ask those who know for sure. How to understand when cards are “lying” or “silent/don’t want to talk”? Please unsubscribe! I will be glad!

daisy_lane thank you very much.

Sometimes I make fortunes for myself, most of them come true, but I make more fortunes for others. To be honest, I didn’t know that I wasn’t supposed to guess for myself, I guess once a day, I don’t know why, but then the cards lie ((

30. Silent Sai

uuuuuu. cool, I’ve been wanting to find a forum like this for a long time))) I don’t know what I can try. I already bought cards 2 times, the first time I had to burn them (((

31. Silent Sai

// How much do you think they cost?

32. Silent Sai

Silent Sai - why burn them?

Hello, are people guessing here now?

Girls, tell me. what are these four fortune teller cards for?

what happens if you pull out 2 cards and they are both clients?

and there are some other ways.

I have ORACLE cards. They say that you can’t tell fortunes with them often, because the cards will lie. Personally, I tell fortunes 1-2 times a month. I’ve told fortunes to myself and others a lot - it’s all true. But I just can’t figure out what a CLIENT CARD is?

Please tell me where I can buy ORACLE cards? I've been looking for a long time. There is none in Yekaterinburg.

Heromancer, please help me, I can hear from a distance what another person is thinking about me, I don’t know what to do about it

If you're serious, maybe Dennion Brinkley's book "Saved by the Light" will help you.

Tell me, is the Client a card that says Fortune Teller?

I bought cards on the queen of spades and the queen of cross, it’s written like a carbon copy, is this the case everywhere or is there just a typo in my deck, friends, answer

Help please. I purchased oracle cards (according to lititia) of 33 cards, but I can’t understand anything from the instructions. I’m interested in how to interpret the meaning of 2 cards at once. And if it’s not difficult, then it’s easy. For the first time. Thanks in advance.

I understood the instructions after re-reading them five times, trying to look at the cards that are in the examples, it seemed like nothing, it turned out, but I interpret two - according to the meaning with the one lying next to them

After all, it is really difficult to use the description in the original: the paper is disgusting and the font is very small.

Before fortune telling, it is better to read a special spell on the cards:

\"36 sisters, godfathers, brothers and comrades. Do me faithful service, unfailing friendship. 36 cards, four suits, tell me the whole true truth, what should I expect, what should I fear, what business should I undertake. I call and call you all and I pronounce: The word is strong and moldable to the cards.\"

Oh, yes, I see you bought cards, but don’t use them at 1%. My advice to you is to use them as for fortune telling with playing cards. The Internet is simply teeming with layouts. Learn to ask correctly and feel, understand what they tell you. The important thing is not what cards, but what kind of relationship you have with them. At least draw the maps yourself, they will help you if you use them correctly. And most importantly, follow the rules and safety precautions.

So please explain what kind of Client card this is?? One of the 4 cards that says Fortune Teller??

Help me choose the simplest thing for love

Your question is interesting. In order to tell fortunes you need a gift. If you are confident in it, only then can you start training. if not, you will cause changes in the destinies of those around you, since the cards will write a new destiny, and not show it. It should be remembered that just as we studied reading or mathematics, which then makes it possible to study literature and exact sciences, fortune telling is just another element of magic. It can drive you crazy and kill, but it’s not you who will suffer, but those who are dear to you, so your step must be very deliberate and balanced. The very first thing is balance in the soul and even small worries or feelings can become fatal, entering the world of energy and flows one must be part of them. You cannot lift a mule from the bottom of the river, because it will become dirty, and so will your life, having taken this step, there is no way back and then it is too difficult to return your life and destiny to normal. REMEMBER THIS! And if you decide, write here for me. maybe something can still be done. We'll see!!

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From this article you will learn:

    What are Oracle cards

    What can you learn from Oracle cards?

    How to tell fortunes using Oracle cards

    Which decks of Oracle cards to buy

Since ancient times, people have tried to predict the future and used a wide variety of symbolic systems to do this: from looking at stars and clouds to fortune telling by the flight of birds or coffee grounds. However, the most popular fortune-telling tool has been “Oracle” cards for several centuries. They are used by gypsies to predict people success, love, changes in life, illness, etc. Nowadays, there are a huge number of decks of Oracle cards: astrological, psychological, associative and thematic, oracles of animals, stones, etc.

What are Oracle cards and how do they differ from Tarot?

What does the word "oracle" mean? The Great Encyclopedia defines it as follows: “An oracle (from Latin oraculum) is in ancient times one of the means by which a person tried to enter into direct communication with a deity. The sayings of the Oracle were considered revelations of the deity. All Oracles can be summed up under three categories: predictions were received either in the form of maxims, or in the form of symbols, or in the form of dreams.”

Card Oracles are symbolic systems. The structure of different decks of Oracle cards may vary, which distinguishes these cards from the Tarot, which must contain the major and minor arcana. Oracles have a completely different number of cards. They depict scenes or symbols from a single set.

Thus, in the Oracle of Numbers there are 32 cards, and each of them consists of two halves - a number and a Kabbalistic sign. Madame Lenormand's Oracle deck contains 36 cards, the content of which are characters (for example, Horseman) or abstract images (Ship, Clover). The Gypsy Oracle contains 52 cards, all of which are story-based. But this is not the limit: the Simbolon Oracle has as many as 78 cards (this deck combines astrological images and other symbolic subjects).

In terms of accuracy of predictions, Oracle cards are not inferior to Tarot. However, there is one significant difference: the strict symbolic system of the Tarot is not obvious and convenient to everyone; Oracles are simpler in this sense. To interpret the meanings of Oracle cards, it is enough to recognize the plots and images on them, while to use Tarot cards you need to have a good understanding of all the symbolism that they cover.

The problem with some Oracle decks is that they are superficial. These maps reflect the external outline of events rather than the deep essence of what is happening, so with their help it is impossible to obtain comprehensive and accurate answers to the questions posed. Unlike Oracle cards, Tarot reveals the entire chain of causes and consequences, starting from the energy level and ending with the event level.

If you want to bring a little magic into your daily life, turn to your own feelings and intuition when reading Oracle cards. It’s not scary if at first it seems that intuition is silent and does not participate in what is happening. To begin, take the entire deck in your hands, hold it, listening to your own feelings. The one of the decks that will be more “lively” and “warm” for you is yours.

Fortune telling on Oracle cards: interpretation and rules

Fortune telling cards of the “Oracle” type have become a real breakthrough in the field of predictive techniques. In order to lift the veil of secrecy over the future, it is necessary to make a layout and then interpret its result (the meaning of the symbol is usually written on the card itself). Cards are not a blind weapon, but a rather capricious entity that can remain silent without giving an answer. If fortune telling is unsuccessful, put it off for another day, do not persist, be patient.

Oracle card decks typically contain 33 cards, one of which is a client card. Cards can be upright or upside down, and this also matters (as, for example, in Runes).

As for the meaning of Oracle cards, it consists of several components:

    Card suits (diamonds, crosses, etc.).

    The general meaning of the card (9 inverted worms, for example, symbolize sadness, straight ones - joy).

    Exact value. For example, for nine hearts in an upright position, the adjacent card gives information about what kind of joy awaits you. If it has a cross suit, then it will be joy caused by unexpected receipt of money.

Thus, two cards provide information:

    The speaker is the one you are interpreting.

    Neighboring – located next to the speaker and clarifying her meaning. The card lying to the right of the speaker will have more weight.

The basic rules for fortune telling with Oracle cards are as follows:

    We select a client card - a person who addresses his question to the Oracle.

    We carefully shuffle the cards. To do this, you first need to hit the deck, then split it with your left hand, then divide it again into two halves and mix it again.

    The day of fortune telling affects the result. On Monday it is better not to touch the Oracle cards, but Friday (especially falling on the 13th) is a very good day for fortune telling. The first of January, the 13th of each month and your birthday are also suitable: the predictions will be deep and accurate.

    For fortune telling, you can only use your individual deck of Oracle cards. It, like a toothbrush, cannot be shared with other people.

    Fortune telling is done alone. At least not surrounded by people who are skeptical about predictions - in this case the cards will be silent.

    But a cat, on the contrary, is a wonderful companion and assistant in fortune telling. It's better to guess when the cat is in the room. If she showed interest and walked through the cards, see where exactly she stepped.

    To communicate with Oracle cards, sit in a comfortable, quiet place with dim lighting.

    You can also make wishes with the help of fortune telling Oracle cards. To do this, on February 2, you need to put a card under your pillow before going to bed, whose symbolism reflects your desire.

Oracle cards: layouts and some fortune telling techniques

Four Aces Oracle

Ask a question that has a clear answer: either “no” or “yes.” Take the top 13 cards from the deck. Set aside the aces you find among them and the client card. Repeat the entire procedure three times.

Interpretation of the result:

    The dropped four aces in combination with the client card indicate great luck, for which you do not have to make any effort.

    Four aces, but without a client card, is also a great success, but with the participation of other people.

    Three aces along with the client card indicate that you will have to try a little to achieve success.

    It's just that three aces are interpreted as a very low probability of luck.

    Two aces in combination with a client card are an opportunity for success in the distant future.

If there is no clear answer from the Oracle cards, you should postpone fortune telling for a while and ask the question of interest later.

Little Oracle of Letitia

Take two cards, then set aside the one that goes with the client's card. Repeat these steps two more times. As a result, you should get three cards from which you can predict life events in the next three days. To interpret them, consult an interpreter.

Oracle of Flowers

For this fortune telling, 32 Oracle cards are taken (without the client card). A pile of cards is thrown face down, then nine cards are selected from it, turned over and laid out according to the suits in the order in which they were removed. These cards will be talking.

Then the next nine cards are removed and placed next to each of the speakers. These are adjacent cards.

Formulate questions for each suit. Take a talking card of the required suit and read its meaning from the interpreter. After this, refer to the adjacent card to clarify the result.

Great Oracle of Laetitia

This method is similar to fortune telling with the Oracle of Flowers, only you need to remove not nine, but thirteen cards. After the cards are revealed, they are laid out in the order they were removed in a circle (there should be no groupings). The cards are then sorted by rank. The speakers will be the first six cards on the left, and the neighboring ones will be the last six cards on the right. The talking and neighboring cards should be laid out according to the following scheme:

1-13 2-12 3-11 4-10 5-9 6-8,

the seventh card should be in the center, surrounded by six pairs of other cards.

Processing of the results consists of interpreting the talking cards and subsequent clarification of their meanings based on neighboring cards (only their suit is taken into account). The central card is a surprise. It can also be interpreted by drawing another card from the pile, which will become a pair for it.

Oracle for the future

Predicting the future is not at all difficult if you have a deck of Oracle cards at your disposal. Here is one of the simplest methods of fortune telling:

    shuffle the deck and remove the top card;

    then pull out a pair of cards;

    when faced with a client’s card, put aside the card that is paired with it;

    do this three times;

    interpret the three cards set aside according to the interpretations that are written directly on them.

Where and what Oracle cards to buy

Oracle "Golden Dreams Lenormand"

The famous fortune teller and psychic Madame Lenormand developed her own method of card fortune telling. Her “Golden Dreams” deck has become very popular and has been actively used for many decades. The secret of the success of this Oracle is that it is not only able to predict the development of events, but also helps to make a decision in a difficult situation.

A modern version of the Lenormand Oracle was illustrated by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Each of these maps is a real little masterpiece, combining exquisite detail and original imagery of plots. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with the Lenormand Oracle or already have some idea about it, the Marchetti deck is an ideal option.

This edition of the deck takes into account all the principles of the classic versions of the Lenormand Oracle, but by increasing the number of cards from 36 to 47, the predictive capabilities of the deck are significantly expanded. 11 new cards have been added to the traditional set of cards, namely Well, Bridge, Compass, Mask, Magnifying Glass, Owl, Dice, Man, Lady, Labyrinth, Time.

Oracle "I Ching"

Each of us would like to know how to achieve success, gain knowledge and spiritual strength, live every new day at the peak of feelings and possibilities, what changes fate has in store for us around the next turn.

To find answers to these questions, the I Ching oracle was created in ancient China, the “canon of change” - a philosophical concept, ritual and technique for predicting the future. The classical I Ching involved drawing sets of lines, solid and broken, and throwing a coin to create a hexagram - a set of six lines, which is then interpreted in a certain way.

The I Ching, embodied in a deck of cards, simplifies the fortune telling procedure and makes it more understandable and convenient for a person of the European tradition, accustomed to Western mantles. To find out your destiny, you no longer need to perform a Chinese ritual; you just need to draw an Oracle card.

Oracle Rumi

Rumi's Oracle Cards will allow the reader to connect with the divine and experience love and beauty. This is a conversation through dance movements, not words.

The authors of the deck were inspired by the poems of a Sufi poet and philosopher named Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, who lived and worked in the 18th century. The images reflected in the cards of this Oracle originate in the mystical whirling dance practiced by the dervishes, and which, according to Rumi, helps to throw off the shackles of the material world and soar to the spirit.

Oracle by Suzanne Kipper (Fin de Siecle Kipper)

This deck of Oracle cards has a long and interesting history. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Suzanne Kipper, a very gifted fortune teller, who at some point needed her own author's cards. She illustrated maps in a style typical of 1870s Germany, where she lived. The oracle turned out to be very popular (no less than the Lenormand cards).

This Oracle was later creatively reinterpreted by artist Ciro Marchetti, who created the third version of the Mystic Kipper in the style of Victorian England. Oracle cards by Marchetti are distinguished by a clear system of interpretation, an abundance of interesting details, and subtly and luxuriously painted interiors and portraits. This makes this deck of Oracle cards very popular.

Runic Oracle “Legends of the Northern Roads”

The Runic Oracle deck of cards, based on Legends of the Northern Roads, provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the runic predictive tradition through cards. Its authors are Anna Simonova, a tarot reader, and Dmitry Shevtsov, a Russian artist. The deck contains 25 cards, including an “empty” rune, which can be used or not used at the wish of the person doing the fortune-telling. These Oracle cards come with instructions in Russian.

Our online store “Witch's Happiness” is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia. Here you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need to conduct magical rituals: fortune telling with Tarot cards, runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, Druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

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